Shafina Azzahra, Ayi Ahadiat, Nova Mardiana. "The Influence of Leadership Style, Organizational Culture, and Competence on Employee Performance At Medika Insani Bukit Kemuning Hospital" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 548-553, 2023.
This study intends to evaluate and ascertain the impact of organisational culture, competency, and leadership style on worker performance at Medika Insani Hospital. The data collected from the research samples were analysed using the statistical approach employed in this study, which is a quantitative descriptive study. The analysis tool uses SPSS 27 with the Multiple Linear Regression method. This study has a population of all employees of Medika Insani Hospital, totaling 146 people, while the total sample is 107 people. The findings demonstrated that competency, organisational culture, and leadership style all contributed to the positive and considerable impact on employee performance at Medika Insani Hospital.
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