Social Dimensions of Human Development in Karnataka-A Critical Analysis

International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2023 by IRJEMS
Volume 2  Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2023
Authors : Malleshappa S. Kumbar
irjems doi : 10.56472/25835238/IRJEMS-V2I3P147


Malleshappa S. Kumbar. "Social Dimensions of Human Development in Karnataka-A Critical Analysis" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 353-358, 2023.


Ever since UNDP's publication of the Human Development Report in 1990, HDI has become an important tool for measuring the economic well-being of a community or a nation at large. Countries or states across the world are using HDI to reflect upon their achievements vis-à-vis GDP. After Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka was the second state in the country to publish HDI Report in 1999. Since then, the state has published four HDRs, the latest being 2022. The first HDR of Karnataka was aimed at assessing the status of human development in the context of the Global HDI report published by UNDP. The second HDR, published in 2005, stressed financing human development, and the third HDR, published in 2015, aimed at accelerating equitable human development. The latest HDR of Karnataka focussed on bridging gaps towards achieving sustainable development. As a result, it has analysed the state's achievements in general human development. At the same time, it also throws light on the inequalities in human development among various sections of society, such as women, OBCs, minorities, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. Using the data from the Human Development Report of Karnataka-2022, this paper critically analyses the social dimensions of human development in the Karnataka state of India.


[1] M. Desai, "Human Development: Concepts and Measurements," European Economic Review, 35(2/3), pp.350-357,(1991).
[2] Anand and Sen, "A Human Development Index: Methodology and Measurement," Human Development Report Office Occasional, p. 12, UNDP, New York, (1992).
[3] T. Persson, and G. Tabellini, "Is Inequality Harmful for Growth?," American Economic Review,84(3), pp.600-64, (1994).
[4] UNDP, Human Development Report 1990, Oxford University Press, New York.
[5] Pedro Conceiacao, "Inequalities in Human Development in the 21 Century," Brookings Institution, Washington. DC (2020).
[6] Human Development Report of Karnataka-2022, Planning, Programme Monitoring and Statistics Dept, Government of Karnataka.


Human Development Index, Inequalities, Gender Equality Index, Social Dimensions.