Hoang Thanh Tung, Pham Minh Ha. "Consumption Trends of Truc Chi Paintings Among the Residents of Hanoi" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 364-374, 2023.
"Truc Chi Painting is a type of Vietnamese art that has been developed since around 2011. In recent years, the number of people who are aware of and using it has been increasing, but Truc Chi paintings still haven't gained widespread popularity like other Vietnamese art forms. In this study, employing desk research and sociological investigation, the research team elucidated various aspects of Truc Chi paintings' concepts, characteristics, classifications, applications, and more. Through surveys, the team obtained several noteworthy findings concerning the consumption trends of Truc Chi paintings among the residents of Hanoi: (i) The number of Truc Chi painting users remains relatively low; (ii) Many people are not acquainted with Truc Chi paintings; (iii) The majority of users prefer employing Truc Chi portraits of Buddha and depictions of lotus flowers, often adorning worship chambers and living spaces; (iv) Two influential factors affecting users' decision to purchase Truc Chi paintings are the "spiritual and Feng Shui aspects of the product" and "the Vietnamese cultural value of the product"; (v) The most prevalent price range consumers are willing to invest falls between 2 million and under 5 million VND; (vi) The cost of the product is a particular concern for consumers. Based on these outcomes, the team proposes several suggestions for stores and artisanal villages engaged in Truc Chi painting production, aimed at invigorating this art form and attracting more customers to use Truc Chi paintings".
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Consumption Trend, Consumers, Truc Chi Paintings, Hanoi.