Alfiana Wanda Lestari, Irgi Adistio Fahrizki, Devy Maulidia, Amalia Misy Berliani, Handi Brata. "Effects of Good Corporate Governance and Gender Diversity of Values Manufacturing Companies Indonesia" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 388-393, 2023.
This study aims to determine the effect of good corporate governance and gender diversity on firm value. This study uses a quantitative method using secondary data in the form of information on stock prices, boards of directors and commissioners at manufacturing companies on the Indonesian stock exchange from 2019 to 2021. Data were obtained from and the company's official website. Based on the purposive sampling that has been done, the total sample used in this study is 80 observations. Data testing was carried out using multiple linear analysis with panel data. The results of this study concluded that good corporate governance has an effect on firm value, while gender diversity has no effect on firm value.
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