A Conceptual Review of Stakeholder Theories and Corporate Social Responsibility

International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2023 by IRJEMS
Volume 2  Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2023
Authors : Kwaji Fave Sini
irjems doi : 10.56472/25835238/IRJEMS-V2I3P161


Kwaji Fave Sini. "A Conceptual Review of Stakeholder Theories and Corporate Social Responsibility" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 473-476, 2023.


This study investigates. A conceptual review of stakeholder ideas and corporate social responsibility. The study will use an ex-post facto research design that will rely on secondary data. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is made up of theories that are uncertain, contested, and complex. Employees, vendors, customers, the media, local communities, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are all included in the stakeholder theory and can provide new prospects and ideas. The anticipated findings imply that aligning stakeholder theory with CSR will produce optimum advantages in the form of societal advancements which also will increasing worker motivation. This paper adds to our understanding of the CRS literature by demonstrating how CRS initiatives affect worker motivation. Last but not least, by aligning the notion with stakeholder theory, the challenges of implementing a CSR effort can be reduced because leaders would be better able to plan their operations while taking into consideration the interests of all stakeholders.


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CSR, NGO, Employees, Vendors, Customers.