Conceição Castro, Pedro Nunes. "Regime Types and Their Influence on Digital Government Development" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 563-573, 2023.
The digital age has ushered in a transformative era, reshaping economies, societies, and governance across the globe. In this wave of digital transformation, India has emerged as a frontrunner, spearheading a groundbreaking initiative known as the India Digital Stack. This comprehensive paper delves into the intricacies, significance, impact, challenges, and future prospects of India Digital Stack—a digital infrastructure paradigm revolutionising how India delivers services and leverages technology for the betterment of its citizens. It then evaluates this stack using primary and secondary research to evaluate its impact on increasing inclusion and ease of doing business and enabling innovation and entrepreneurship in the Indian market.
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E-Government; Political Regime Type; Logit Model.