The Effect of Perceived Non-Monetary Sacrifice, Perceived Service Quality, Perceived Monetary Sacrifice on Re-patronage Intention with Patient Perceived Value as a Mediation Variable

International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2023 by IRJEMS
Volume 2  Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2023
Authors : Sutoha Bachtiar Usman, Robert Kristaung, Hermanto Yaputra
irjems doi : 10.56472/25835238/IRJEMS-V2I3P178


Sutoha Bachtiar Usman, Robert Kristaung, Hermanto Yaputra. "The Effect of Perceived Non-Monetary Sacrifice, Perceived Service Quality, Perceived Monetary Sacrifice on Re-patronage Intention with Patient Perceived Value as a Mediation Variable" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 623-637, 2023.


Hospital services are very important and needed by the community. Customer acceptance of facilities and services at the hospital will determine the customer's re-patronage intention. The perceived value of the customer, the perceived service quality, and the perceived value of the patient can all be quantified. Through the use of patient perceived value as a mediating variable, this study seeks to demonstrate empirically how perceived non-monetary sacrifice, perceived service quality, and perceived monetary sacrifice will all have a favourable effect on re-patronage intention. Patients at the General Hospital in Indonesia's Banten Province were the subject of this investigation. This study used purposive sampling as its sampling technique, and questionnaires from 395 respondents. This study used SEMPLS as a way to analyse the data results. According to the findings, perceived non-financial sacrifices, perceived service quality, perceived financial trade-offs, and perceived patient value all significantly influenced re-patronage intentions. Additionally, it was discovered that the patient's perceived value as a mediator between perceived non-monetary sacrifice, perceived service quality, and perceived monetary sacrifice for customers' intentions to return to public hospitals had a whole significant influence.


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Perceived Non-Monetary Sacrifice, Perceived Service Quality, Perceived Monetary Sacrifice, Re-patronage Intention, Patient Perceived Value, Public Hospital.