Leadership Skills and Performance of Public Sector Institutions: The Case of Public Universities in Delta State – Nigeria

International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2023 by IRJEMS
Volume 2  Issue 4
Year of Publication : 2023
Authors : OSAZEVBARU Henry Osahon, AKALIDUWA, Akpevwe Miracle
irjems doi : 10.56472/25835238/IRJEMS-V2I4P136


OSAZEVBARU Henry Osahon, AKALIDUWA, Akpevwe Miracle. "Leadership Skills and Performance of Public Sector Institutions: The Case of Public Universities in Delta State – Nigeria" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 315-322, 2023.


The study examined the leadership skills and performance of selected public universities in Delta State. The precise aims of the research are intended to determine the effect the leadership competence measures, namely empowerment, intuition, self-understanding, and visionary, have on organizational performance. The study used a survey methodology, and its sample size was minimal to 2,048 teaching and non-teaching staff of the University of Delta, Agbor, and Delta State University of Science and Technology, Ozoro, Delta State, Nigeria. Utilizing Taro Yamane's formula, drawn a sample size of 345 staff of the institutions. A total of three hundred and thirty-five (345) copies of the questionnaire were administered, out of which three hundred and thirty (330) were retrieved. The techniques of multiple regression, correlation, and descriptive stats were used to code and evaluate the questionnaire results. The findings revealed that intuition and visionary dimensions of leadership skills have a significant positive impact on organizational performance, while empowerment and self-understanding have an insignificant impact on organizational performance. Overall, the study concluded that leadership skills have an impact on organizational performance based on the analysis of joint effect. Therefore, it suggests that every organization hire visionary leaders to manage its affairs and guarantee the accomplishment of its objectives and purposes.


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Empowerment, Intuition, Leadership style, Organizational performance, Visionary.