OKUNGBOWA, Ewere Florence, SORIWEI, Eniebiju. "International Trade, Energy Consumption and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: An Assessment of Goal 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 428-436, 2023.
This article examined how sustainable improvement in Nigeria is influenced by using international exchange and energy consumption. The autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) method and annual statistics, which span from 1986 to 2022, were employed for the analysis. The results revealed that both international trade and energy consumption have adversely affected environmental quality over the period under study. Hence, it was concluded that international trade, specifically export trade, has contributed to the low result of the Sustainable development dreams, exactly the 13th goal as it pertains to Nigeria. The diagnostics check consequences showed that the estimates received are valid, and for that reason, our findings are strong and reliable. Consequently, in pursuance of sustainable development through trade and energy consumption, we hereby recommend that the Nigeria government ought to introduce an export product base diversification policy, introduce a sustainable way of extracting crude oil, and introduce carbon emission taxes on such products, which will decrease pointless emissions, and promote opportunity sources of power inclusive of sun, wind turban electricity which might be eco-friendly.
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