Aaqilah Meutia Aliifa, Rofiaty, Christin Susilowati. "The Effects of E-Trust and E-Service Quality on E-Loyalty Through Customer Engagement as the Mediating Variable" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 576-583, 2023.
This research aims to analyze the influence of e-trust and e-service quality on e-loyalty and the role of customer engagement in mediating the influence of e-trust and e-service quality on e-loyalty. The population in this research are consumers in Malang City who have made purchases on Sociolla e-commerce. Purposive sampling is the procedure used in the sampling approach. There are 174 responders in the study’s samples. The analysis method used is Partial Least Square (PLS). The research results show that e-trust has a significant effect on e-loyalty and customer engagement. E-service quality does not have a significant effect on e-loyalty, but it has a significant effect on customer engagement. Furthermore, customer engagement significantly influences e-loyalty and partially mediates the effects of e-trust and e-loyalty. In addition, customer engagement also fully mediates the impact of e-service quality on e-loyalty.
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