Elsa Dienisa, Achmad Ghazali. "Proposed Project Management System and Human Resources Management for Studio Interiyour" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 841-854, 2023.
Studio Interiyour is an interior and decorator studio that has adopted the gig worker model since 2019. However, in early 2023, the studio faced problems in service related to the slow delivery of output files. In addition, Studio Interiyour sees an opportunity to enter the Interbox platform with the Indonesian target market. So, this research proposes workflow improvement for Studio Interiyour's workforce. This research aims to identify the root of Studio Interiyour's problems and create and develop a project management model suitable for a hybrid workforce. In this research, the first step was to identify the business problem and collect data by interviewing the hybrid workforce and several companies with work systems similar to Studio Interiyour's. After understanding the problem's leading cause, analyze the root cause using a fishbone diagram. The results of the data analysis were then used to formulate proposed improvement solutions and implementation plans. Key findings include the need for effective project plan management. This project plan management solution includes the development of SOPs and SLAs for employees and customers. Another solution is improving human resource management through clear job descriptions and efficient recruitment processes. Based on the research results, there is a structured shortterm implementation plan that can be implemented by Studio Interiyour and is expected to optimize the performance of Studio Interiyour's hybrid workforce.
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Studio Interiyour, Hybrid Labor, Project Plan Management, Resource Management.