Shahid Kaleem, Prof. S. M. Jawed Akhtar. "Determinants of Household Expenditure for Primary Education in Urban India" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 10, pp. 198-205, 2024.
In the late seventies, India witnessed a pivotal shift in education financing, transitioning from state to concurrent functions. This led to shared resources between central and state governments, encompassing external aid, domestic contributions, and public financing from various entities. While the constitution guarantees free elementary education, families voluntarily contribute through fees and gifts. This study, utilizing the NSS households’ survey 75th round (2017-18) and employing Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression, assesses household spending on primary and upper primary education in urban areas. The findings underscore the significant impact of household characteristics on education expenditure in urban India.
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Education, Urban Area, Primary Education, Upper Primary Education, Expenditure, Cost of Education.