Ulfiah Hanum, Andi Hermawan. "Strategies And Efforts to Improve Teacher Engagement Through Strengthening Self-Efficacy, Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 130-142, 2024.
In order to feel content and devoted to working for his organization, teachers must be united with it. This is known as teacher engagement. Teachers must feel that they have a place and enjoy their work and the organization’s conditions, not just physically but also emotionally, rationally, and normatively. Both the madrasah institution and the teachers’ performance at work will benefit from optimal teacher engagement behavior. Because they are no longer fulfilling duties, teachers may devote all of their energy and time to their work with a sense of love for their institution and their work. For them, teaching has become a service in their lives. By investigating the effects of the variables of self-efficacy, interpersonal communication, organizational support, and work satisfaction, this study seeks to identify tactics and methods for raising teacher engagement. In order to find the best ways to boost teacher engagement, this study use the SITOREM approach for indicator analysis and the route analysis method to ascertain the relationship between the variables under investigation.
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Teacher Engagement, Self-Efficacy, Interpersonal Communication, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, SITOREM Analysis.