Andri Kusuma Wardani, Andi Hermawan. "Strategy to Improve the Quality of Teacher Services through Strengthening Personality and Organizational Justice" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 143-153, 2024.
A key component of accomplishing national education objectives and the overall development of Indonesians is the caliber of teacher services. The Bogor Regency PGRI Vocational School’s initial teacher service quality survey did not yield the best results. Researching the quality of teacher services is therefore intriguing. By investigating the connection between organizational justice, teacher personality traits, and the quality of teacher services, this study seeks to identify strategies for raising the standard of teacher services. The study performed cytorem method analysis and used correlational statistical approaches. With a population of 279 and a sample of 103 teachers, the PGRI Vocational School teachers in Bogor Regency serve as the research analysis unit. According to the study’s findings, there is a positive correlation between teacher personality and the quality of their services (y1 = 0.421), and there is a positive correlation between organizational justice and the quality of their services (ρy2 = 0.297). These findings suggest that both organizational justice and teacher personality can enhance the quality of teacher services. In order to increase the quality of teacher services based on organizational justice and personality development, the SITOREM approach is then combined with the correlation’s findings to reinforce indicators. The findings of SITOREM indicate that, in order of priority for improvement, the following indicators can be improved in an effort to raise the caliber of teaching services: (1) stable emotions, (2) openness to experience, (3) procedural justice (4) responsiveness (5) attention. The next effort is to maintain 9 indicators that are in good condition, namely: (1) sincerity, (2) enthusiasm, (3) consensus, (4) interpersonal justice, (5) informational justice, (6) distributive justice, (7) physical appearance (8) guarantee (9) reliability.
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Teacher Service Quality, Teacher Personality and Organizational Justice.