Eka Sudarmaji, Widyaningsih Azizah, Sri Widyastuti, Tyahya Whisnu Hendratni, Nelyumna Rizal. "Evaluation of the Impact of Social Media Training on Micro Enterprises" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 195-204, 2024.
The rapid growth of social media in Indonesia has transformed the digital marketing landscape, with platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok becoming critical tools for micro-businesses. However, many micro-businesses in Indonesia still need to improve their digital marketing knowledge and skills. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of digital marketing training on micro-businesses in Setu Babakan, Jagakarsa, Indonesia. Using a pretest - post-test design, the study will measure changes in participants’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes before and after training. The “Pretest - Post-test Design” methodology is used for a single group. The paper looked at the determinant factors. Hence, the causal relationship between business performance improvement and digital marketing awareness, skills, and attitudes towards digital marketing was determined. A series of validity and reliability checks were performed using Convergent Validity, Discriminant Validity, Composite Reliability, Average Variance Extracted (AVE) and Cronbach Alpha. These values reflect that the reliabilities of alpha 0.70 were sufficient, and it is confirmed that the paper shows that all the indicator variables were above the minimum value of 0.7. The discriminant validity was performed, and the model in this paper has sufficient discriminatory validity since the AVE Root for each construct is greater than the correlation between the other construct constructs. The summary result of model indices, the coefficient of determination (R2 Adjusted) consists of 80.5% of the variance in ‘Digital Marketing Skills’, 48.1% of the variance in ‘Improved Business Work’, and 54.5% of the variance in ‘Attitude Towards Digital Marketing’ are accounted for by the model. This study provides important insights into the impact of interventions on the digital marketing capabilities of micro businesses. The results of this study are expected to provide practical recommendations to increase digital marketing capacity among micro-business owners in Indonesia.
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Digital Marketing, Micro Business, Social Media, Pretest - Post-Test Design, Social Media Training.