Giyoh Gideon Nginyu, Lukong Racheal. "The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Financial Performance of Professional Schools in Yaounde" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 47-52, 2024.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate how corporate social responsibility affects the financial performance of Yaoundé's professional schools. Specifically, it assesses the effect of environmental corporate responsibility, ethical responsibility, and economic corporate accountability on the financial results of professional schools in Yaoundé. Based on data collected from 41 administrators of professional schools in Yaoundé using questionnaires, the findings reveal that ethical responsibility and economic, corporate responsibility significantly drive financial performance, while environmental corporate responsibility does not have a significant effect on the financial performance of professional schools in Yaoundé. According to this study, institutions will perform better if they actively participate in community development and fund initiatives that benefit society and the underprivileged.
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