Avi Sunani, Nanda Wahyu Indah Kirana. "The Factors Influencing User Satisfaction Explored by First and Second-Order Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 121-131, 2024.
The current study looked at the accounting information system, accounting information system quality, and quality of information system services effect as potential factors of user satisfaction in the setting of an Indonesian commercial bank. Data from a final sample of 431 banking employees were collected using purposive sampling through a questionnaire survey. Data were analyzed using the second-order structural equation model. The findings indicate that accounting information systems, accounting information system quality, and information system services in banking industries all play an important impact in user satisfaction. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first study that examines the user satisfaction of banking employees using the Information System Success Model and second-order constructs. The study adds to the expanding body of knowledge about the important elements influencing the effective adoption of enterprise systems in emerging countries like Indonesia. There are various implications in terms of the Information System Success Model about user satisfaction. Future researchers may extend our research strategy to include more success criteria, such as training quality. This is due to the likelihood that users' perceptions of a system will be unreliable, improbable, and distant if they do not receive high-quality training. Besides, this study focuses on the banking sector and hence the results may not be generalized.
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Satisfaction, Accounting Information System, Quality of Information System, Quality of Information System Services.