Mochammad Andriesyah, Dina Dellyana. "Analysis of Play Count in Tiktok Content Related To Attaching Music" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 220-229, 2024.
TikTok's short-form video-sharing app stands out for its content-driven interactions that mostly rely on user-curated, specially designed-video feeds selected by the app's recommendation engine. Algorithms are usually subtle processes in social and technological structures that have the power to affect how we see the world, both online and offline, and how we interact with others. Based on their experiences with video consumption and creation, users develop assumptions about the workings of the TikTok algorithm, seeking to understand how to manipulate and appease it to ensure their videos trend and are promoted to other users' 'for you' pages. Our study collected 10,255 videos from the TikTok trending section and conducted correlation and linear regression tests. From the data collected over a 10-day period, it is evident that there are 1024 distinct videos featuring original content. Furthermore, the duration of the content is predominantly less than 60 seconds. Among audio feature variables, it is statistically observed that they do not significantly contribute to an increase in play count on TikTok. The only notable features with significance in this regard are liveness and speechiness.
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FYP, Music, TikTok, User Engagement.