A Study on the Relationship between Organizational Trust and Job Satisfaction

International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2024 by IRJEMS
Volume 3  Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Altanchimeg Zanabazar, Odbayar Lkhagvadorj, Ariunaa Sodov
irjems doi : 10.56472/25835238/IRJEMS-V3I1P127


Altanchimeg Zanabazar, Odbayar Lkhagvadorj, Ariunaa Sodov. "A Study on the Relationship between Organizational Trust and Job Satisfaction" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 248-254, 2024.


Organizational trust is the bedrock of an organization's long-term success and endurance. It fosters sturdier professional relationships and enhances collaboration. This study investigated the connections between organizational trust and employee job satisfaction. The study utilized data from 145 employees of 'A' bank in Mongolia and conducted thorough analyses to evaluate the reliability and correlation of variables, employing structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of this study reveal positive correlations among all three trust dimensions and overall organizational trust, aligning with hypotheses H1 to H3. As anticipated, trust in upper management exhibited the most substantial influence (β=0.701), underscoring the pivotal role of leadership perceptions. Trust in peers (β=0.516) and supervisors (β=0.361) also displayed noteworthy contributions, emphasizing the significance of relationships across various organizational levels. Importantly, our investigation confirmed hypothesis H4, indicating a robust positive association (β=0.659) between organizational trust and job satisfaction. These findings collectively reinforce the critical linkages between trust dimensions, organizational trust, and, ultimately, employee job satisfaction.


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Organizational Trust, Trust in Supervisors, Trust in Peers, Trust in Upper Management, Job Satisfaction.