A Study on Waste Management in Railways

International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2024 by IRJEMS
Volume 3  Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Anderson Monish, Bryan Ron Sharma, Billibone R Sangma, Biki Chingangbam, Elevate Reconcile R Syngkli, Konsam Alean Singh, Moosa Shaik, Niksam Hanniel R Marak, Pleasure Kahalani, Rajkumar Ashishkumar Singh, Ritesh Chandra Rai
irjems doi : 10.56472/25835238/IRJEMS-V3I2P104


Anderson Monish, Bryan Ron Sharma, Billibone R Sangma, Biki Chingangbam, Elevate Reconcile R Syngkli, Konsam Alean Singh, Moosa Shaik, Niksam Hanniel R Marak, Pleasure Kahalani, Rajkumar Ashishkumar Singh, Ritesh Chandra Rai. "A Study on Waste Management in Railways" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 31-34, 2024.


Railway Waste Management involves the systematic and efficient handling of waste generated within the railway infrastructure and operations. As the railway industry plays a pivotal role in transportation, waste management becomes crucial for ensuring environmental sustainability and public health. This abstract provides an overview of the challenges, strategies, and innovations associated with managing waste in railway settings. It explores the diverse sources of waste, ranging from passenger-generated litter to industrial and maintenance activities. The abstract delves into the environmental impact of railway waste and examines the regulatory frameworks guiding waste management practices in the railway sector. Additionally, it highlights various waste management strategies, including recycling, waste-to-energy technologies, and sustainable disposal methods. The abstract also discusses the role of technology in optimizing waste collection, sorting, and disposal processes. Finally, it emphasizes the need for collaboration among stakeholders, including railway authorities, local communities, and waste management entities, to develop comprehensive and effective waste management solutions tailored to the unique challenges of railway environments. Overall, this abstract contributes to the understanding of railway waste management as a multifaceted and critical aspect of sustainable railway operations. A collaborative approach involving railway authorities, local communities, and waste management entities is essential for developing comprehensive and effective waste management solutions. This abstract contributes to a deeper understanding of railway waste management as a dynamic and integral aspect of sustainable railway operations, highlighting the need for ongoing innovation and cooperation in this critical field.


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Railways, Waste management, Pollution, Challenges, Results.