Yash Venkatraman Iyer, Kaushal Kumar Saxena. "Socio-Economic Impacts and Environmental Factors of Shifting Labour-Markets Towards Skill-based Employment with Emphasis on Indian Migrant Workers" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 161-169, 2024.
Climate change, resource depletion, environmental justice, and other environmental factors have prompted vast changes in economies, societies, and labour markets. With a shift away from traditional degree-based employment, a rise in more inclusive skill-based employment is evident and propelled by these environmental factors. This research paper explores the intricate relationships between environmental factors and skill-based employment, exploring macroeconomic impacts and societal paradoxes using primary and secondary sources. These shifting labour markets have the potential to help migrant workers in India. Hence, the paper then, through extensive analysis, explores and proposes a method to calculate the macroeconomic losses faced by the Indian economy due to poor representation of migrant workers in the workforce due to factors such as discrimination, lack of awareness, and biases. Overall, the paper explores the inter-connected relationships between skill-based employment, Indian migrant workers, environmental factors and the economy.
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Skill-based employment, India, Migrant Workers, Economy, GDP, Environmental Justice, Economic Loss, GDP, Exclusion.