Istis Baroh. "The Relationship Between Price and Quality of Pure Cow Milk in Wonorejo Hamlet, Tulungrejo Village, Batu City" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 83-89, 2024.
The problem discussed in this research is that the selling price of pure cow’s milk from farmers by KUD tends to fluctuate. Why does this happen, and is there a link between the price and the quality of pure cow’s milk. This research aims to analyze 1). Price of pure cow’s milk in Wonorejo Hamlet, Tulungrejo Village, Batu City 2). Causes of fluctuations in the price of pure cow’s milk 3). Is there a relationship between price and the quality of pure cow’s milk? The sample used in this research was dairy farmers who sold their cow’s milk to the local KUD (30 farmers) and KUD officers (3 people). The data collection technique is to conduct interviews with breeders and KUD officers using a questionnaire. The research uses qualitative and quantitative approaches to analyze prices the causes of price fluctuations, and analyze the relationship between prices and the quality of pure fresh cow’s milk. The research results showed that there were fluctuations in the price of pure cow’s milk due to the unstable quality of pure cow’s milk produced by farmers, as assessed by KUD officers. Assessment of the quality of pure cow’s milk is based on specific gravity, fat content and the number of bacteria present in pure cow’s milk. There is a relationship between price and the quality of pure cow’s milk.
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