Brazilian Afro-Entrepreneurship through the Ubuntu Philosophy: Two Success Stories

International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2024 by IRJEMS
Volume 3  Issue 8
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Taiane Nascimento Teles, Talles Ronieri Freire Tonelli, Ramon Chalhoub, Gustavo da Cruz
irjems doi : 10.56472/25835238/IRJEMS-V3I8P109


Taiane Nascimento Teles, Talles Ronieri Freire Tonelli, Ramon Chalhoub, Gustavo da Cruz. "Brazilian Afro-Entrepreneurship through the Ubuntu Philosophy: Two Success Stories" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 8, pp. 69-75, 2024.


The article takes a look at Black entrepreneurship in Brazil through the lens of Ubuntu’s philosophy of solidarity and mutual aid. Confronted by invisible barriers and racial prejudice, Black people tend to seek ascendency through social enterprise into entrepreneurship and public tenders. Many of the Afro-entrepreneurs were driven into entrepreneurship due to circumstantial reasons and usually started their business ventures without proper planning. One of the most important means of working through this challenge is through the Ubuntu philosophy. This will foster the building of support networks to strengthen Afro-centered businesses. Notable examples of this approach include institutes such as Feira Preta Institute and Blackrocks Startup, which impart training, visibility, and support to Black entrepreneurs. Fostering an inclusive production chain and promoting Afro-Brazilian Culture. The Feira Preta Institute gives voice to Black culture and empowers business opportunities within the same events that allow for the commercialization of products and services that Black people create. On the other hand, BlackRocks is a company specializing in the acceleration of startups focused on technology, innovation, and social impact. These will include bibliographical surveys, analysis of data from sources such as IBGE and SEBRAE, studies on the social history of Black People in Brazil, studies on African philosophy, and studies on racism. The results underscore the real relevance of the associations and the Ubuntu Philosophy in the construction of Black Entrepreneurs’ Networks, to which this process contributes to improving the economic and cultural dimensions of the Afro-Brazilian Community. The paper contributes to how Ubuntu philosophy is turned into an effective tool in the building of an individual Black entrepreneurship legacy in Brazil. It puts up a very strong case regarding how support networks and associations can compensate for the structural and social barriers to these entrepreneurs’ success.


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Afro-entrepreneurship, Micro-entrepreneurs, Ubuntu philosophy, Support networks, Blackrocks Startup.