Michellia Flodensa Cinta Winarno, Ni Ketut Purnawati, Putu Yudi Setiawan. "Analysis of Green Supply Chain Management Performance Using the Green SCOR Method at XYZ Business" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 8, pp. 107-117, 2024.
Managing environmental repercussions is an integral part of green supply chain management, which begins with procuring raw materials and continues until the consumer receives the finished product. Using sustainable development-based green supply chain management strategies may provide businesses with a competitive advantage. A company's performance may be influenced by its use of green supply chain management practices. This study aims to assess the performance of XYZ company's green supply chain. The study relied on descriptive research and used a quantitative SCOR model method. Planning, sourcing, making, and delivering were the four factors that made up the SCOR model. The overall performance measurement result of green supply chain management at Khirwa Batik business was a performance score of 31.66, categorized as poor performance. This was due to 9 out of 17 indicators receiving poor performance scores, 2 indicators categorized as average performance, 1 indicator categorized as good performance, and 5 indicators categorized as excellent performance. The results of this study can be a consideration for the Khirwa Batik business and other similar textile companies to evaluate the performance of green supply chain management to be more effective and efficient, thereby increasing the performance score of green supply chain management.
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