Edya Ariana Utami, Pri Hermawan. "Strategic Decision-Making in Proposing a New Marketing Strategy for ORCA Powergear Using TOWS-AHP" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 8, pp. 244-252, 2024.
This paper is aimed at analyzing and developing a new market strategy for ORCA Powergear with the TOWS matrix and AHP. According to the analysis done, the top-ranked criterion can be explained by Market Expansion with a score of 0.63. As per the AHP analysis, the top-priority strategy that emerged was WO1, which spoke to expanding international market penetration through strategic collaborations. Through its association with international athletes and brands, and participation in global motocross events, ORCA Powergear builds better visibility and a reputation in new markets. Therefore, the plan enhances the weakness—the limited reach of the international market—by capitalizing on opportunities for strategic collaborations that help gain valuable insights into international consumer preferences. Implementing this strategy is expected to increase market exposure, enhance competitiveness, and drive significant company growth. The findings highlight the importance of market expansion and strategic collaborations for the growth and development of ORCA Powergear.
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Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Marketing Mix, Motocross Apparel, Porter’s Five Forces, STP, TOWS Matrix.