Tiris Sudrartono, Fricilia Nurlita. "Effectiveness of Service Quality in Increasing Sales of Frozen Food Products at PT.Serena Harsa Utama Bandung" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 8, pp. 365-370, 2024.
In recent years, the fast-food industry, particularly frozen food, has experienced rapid growth in Indonesia. Changes in consumer lifestyles and a shift from fresh ingredients to processed frozen products have driven companies to enhance their competitiveness in offering ready-to-eat products. PT. Serena Harsa Utama, which focuses on meat processing and frozen food, experienced fluctuations in its sales volume during 2023. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of service quality on the sales volume of frozen food products at the company. The method used is descriptive qualitative, involving an in-depth analysis of qualitative data related to service quality and its impact on sales. Data was collected through interviews with employees and analysis of monthly sales data from January to November 2023. The research findings reveal that, despite the company adhering to regulatory standards and having adequate facilities, the effectiveness of service quality is still suboptimal. Significant sales fluctuations indicate that inadequate service quality negatively impacts sales targets. The study shows the dimensions of physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy in service at PT. Serena Harsa Utama needs improvement. Key issues include the manual processing of sausage products and inconsistencies in delivery times. Recommendations include implementing automatic cutting machines to enhance production efficiency and strengthening the logistics system to ensure consistent delivery. Improvements in these areas are expected to boost sales volume and help the company meet its targets.
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Service Quality, Sales, Effectiveness.