Application of Good Governance Principles with a Stakeholder Approach at St. Francis Gonsalves Church Batang Lupar

International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2024 by IRJEMS
Volume 3  Issue 8
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Billy Bongso, Khristina Yunita
irjems doi : 10.56472/25835238/IRJEMS-V3I8P145


Billy Bongso, Khristina Yunita. "Application of Good Governance Principles with a Stakeholder Approach at St. Francis Gonsalves Church Batang Lupar" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 8, pp. 371-376, 2024.


This study aims to assess the use of good governance principles at St. Francis Gonsalves, with a focus on independence, justice, accountability, openness, and responsibility. Stakeholder theory is employed in conjunction with a qualitative descriptive research strategy to identify stakeholders and their expectations for church administration. Data for this study was gathered by data documentation, church program and activity observation, and interviews with Catholic Youth Administrators (OMK). Data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion-drawing phases are all included in the data analysis process. The study’s findings demonstrate that, on the whole, St. Francis Gonsalves has successfully implemented the principles of good church governance, nearly meeting all established benchmarks, particularly in the areas of accountability, openness, independence, and justice. Nonetheless, there are instances where the accountability principle is not followed, particularly when it comes to financial management, which deviates from the standards established by the Catholic Church.


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Good Governance, Church, Stakeholders.