Rudi Handoko. "Influence Motivation Work and Leadership Style to Increasing Employee Performance at Pt. Pertamina International Shipping" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 8, pp. 388-394, 2024.
Motivation, work, and style leadership are factors important in optimizing the performance of employees, and understanding the connection between both can give valuable insight for management in increasing the effectiveness of the organization. Study aim For know the influence of motivation work and style leadership on Employee Performance at PT. Pertamina International Shipping. With Motivation and style leadership as Independent variables, performance is variabledependent. Population in study This is all over PT employees. Pertamina International Shipping, totaling 71 people. Deep data collection methods study This is done with method questionnaire (questionnaire), internal data analysis study This is Partial Least Square (PLS) with use software SmartPLS 3.2.8. The research result is that motivation and leadership style simultaneously affect the performance of employees who work at PT. Pertamina International Shipping. By partial influence variable Motivation influential to performance of employees on duty at PT. Pertamina International Shipping. By partial influence Leadership Style variable No influence on Power performance educators and education Employees who work at PT. Pertamina International Shipping.
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Leadership style, Motivation, Performace, Shipping.