Mar'atul Jannah Ansar, Heppy Millanyani. "The Relationship Between Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Customer Loyalty: The Moderating Role of Customer Trust (Case Study on Lion Air Airline in Indonesia)" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 3, No. 9, pp. 93-103, 2024.
This research looks at the connection between CRM and customer loyalty in the context of Lion Air Airlines' Indonesian passengers, specifically looking at how trust acts as a moderator. A Google Form questionnaire was used to gather data from 250 participants. The investigation makes use of SmartPLS 4.0 software, which leverages SEM-PLS. While there is no statistically significant relationship between customer orientation and customer loyalty, the results show that CRM components like customer knowledge, customer advocacy, and customer involvement do have a positive effect. Furthermore, there is strong evidence that consumer trust significantly impacts client loyalty. According to the research, customer trust was shown to have no moderating effect on the correlation between CRM elements and loyalty. These findings have significant implications for CRM strategies in the airline sector since they demonstrate the direct impact of trust and the relevance of certain CRM components in boosting customer loyalty.
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Customer Loyalty, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Trust.