Amri Amir, Siti Hodijah, Nurida Isnaeni, Rudziah Binti Mohd Darus, Ary Dean Amri. "Zakat Management in Indonesia and Malaysia and the Influence of Poverty Levels, Unemployment, and HDI on Zakat Collection with Income Per Capita as a Moderating Variable" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 49-57, 2025.
This study examines zakat management in Indonesia and Malaysia and the influence of poverty levels on zakat collection. In Malaysia, Zakat is managed by the Zakat Collection Center under the Islamic Religious Council and the Department of Waqf, Zakat, and Hajj (JAWHAR). In contrast, Indonesia’s zakat system is overseen by BAZNAS, an independent institution unaffiliated with the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) or government agencies. Malaysian zakat payers (Muzaqi) benefit from tax deductions equivalent to zakat payments, misfortune allowances, and other recognitions. The average zakat payment in Malaysia is RM 2,737.57 (IDR 9,814,169.70). Zakat contributes significantly to human development in five Malaysian states and serves as a fiscal tool for promoting economic growth and long-term human development. In Indonesia, Muzaqi does not receive direct tax benefits for zakat contributions. With an average zakat payment of IDR 1,399,245, a study in 2021 by BAZNAS found that Zakat contributes 1.44 percent toward poverty alleviation. Zakat, infaq, and sadaqah all have a positive impact on economic growth, consumption, investment, and the Human Development Index but reduce unemployment and poverty. Zakat collection depends much on per capita GDP, as more contributions are achievable at a higher GDP per capita. Finally, this study concludes that it will be more productive for Zakat in increasing zakat collection, poverty and unemployment reduction, HDI, and per capita GDP improvement measures in the context of Bangladesh and India.
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