Mediating Role of Leadership Agility and Organizational Agility to Maintain Sustainable Highest Performance

International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2025 by IRJEMS
Volume 4  Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2025
Authors : Yupiter Gulo, Bambang Purwoko, Zulkifli
irjems doi : 10.56472/25835238/IRJEMS-V4I2P101


Yupiter Gulo, Bambang Purwoko, Zulkifli. "Mediating Role of Leadership Agility and Organizational Agility to Maintain Sustainable Highest Performance" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 1-17, 2025.


This study aims to analyze the role of leadership agility and organizational agility in mediating cultural diversity in management, dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation, and dominant logic on company performance in the restaurant industry in Jakarta, Indonesia. The study was conducted using quantitative methods, questionnaire instruments, interviews, observations, FGDs, and the PLS-based SEM method to analyze data collected from 203 respondents from restaurant business units, representing 1307 restaurant companies as the selected population. The study's results indicate that (a) leadership agility and organizational agility are proven to significantly mediate the influence of cultural diversity, entrepreneurial orientation and dominant logic on company performance. (b) cultural diversity in management has a positive effect on leadership agility, organizational agility, and company performance; (c) entrepreneurial orientation has a positive effect on leadership agility, organizational agility and company performance; (d) dominant logic has a positive effect on leadership agility, organizational agility and company performance; (e) there is a positive influence between leadership agility and organizational agility; (f) both leadership agility and organizational agility have a significant effect on company performance. This study provides insightful contributions that can be used as input for restaurant business managers to improve leadership agility and organizational agility as a link between all independent variables to survive and improve their performance sustainably in an era of high dynamic change.


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Agile Leadership, Agile Organizational, Cultural Diversity Management, Dominant Logic, Entrepreneurial Orientation Dimension, Firm Performance.