Towards a Theoretical Model for Learning Organization Strategy Towards Improved Service Delivery: A Review of Literature

International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2022 by IRJEMS
Volume 1  Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2022
Authors : Ninah Mwende Muthamia, James Kilika
irjems doi : 10.56472/25835238/IRJEMS-V1I2P110


Ninah Mwende Muthamia, James Kilika. "Towards a Theoretical Model for Learning Organization Strategy Towards Improved Service Delivery: A Review of Literature" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 65-76, 2022.


The role of organisational learning at the corporate level of business decision-making in the provision of services has been highlighted in the extant literature on strategic management. It still needs to address the application of learning organization as a strategy and its role in service delivery. Extant Scholarship links learning organization to service delivery with a bias to financial performance rather than the actual delivery of service, albeit not addressing the emerging role of the firm's innovation capability and the organizational development structure. In the paper, the authors adopt a multidisciplinary approach to review conceptual, theoretical and empirical literature to distil and examine the linkage. This study outlines problems that require for a broader definition of the learning organisation construct while keeping in mind that the learning organisation strategy (LOS) as a strategy does not exist in the body of existing literature. Based on the postulates forthwith, the paper brings a new frontier in strategy and hence proposes a theoretical model for linking the application of learning organization as a strategy to service delivery while delving into the role of the firm's innovation capability and organizational development structure and raises several implications for future empirical work.


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Firm’s innovation capability, learning organization strategy, organization development structure, service delivery