Understanding Effective Communication as a Catalyst for Employee Performance in Selected Municipalities in KZN, SA

International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2022 by IRJEMS
Volume 1  Issue 3
Year of Publication : 2022
Authors : Ntombizandile Victoria Sineke, Nobubele Potwana, Felix Chikosha
irjems doi : 10.56472/25835238/IRJEMS-V1I2P111


Ntombizandile Victoria Sineke, Nobubele Potwana, Felix Chikosha. "Understanding Effective Communication as a Catalyst for Employee Performance in Selected Municipalities in KZN, SA" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 77-86, 2022.


Communication is the adhesive that binds people, irrespective of their backgrounds, through the skill of passing information from one person to another. However, effective communication requires understanding emotions and intentions behind the shared information; therefore, managers in leadership positions need to comprehend how best-effort can be obtained from the workforce, with communication systems management reviewed constantly to ensure effectiveness. The study aimed to establish whether communicating effectively with employees could improve performance in a municipality, including: the extent to which idea sharing creates openness among municipal employees; whether regular feedback contributes to improved municipal employee performance; open communication channels mitigate misunderstandings; and recognizing employee opinions increases performance. A mixed method research approach was used, employing both quantitative and qualitative methods, with data collected quantitatively by questionnaire, from a sample drawn through simple random sampling from the uBuhlebezwe Municipality. For the qualitative research, a focus group discussion with employees selected by convenience sampling, was held at the Ray Nkonyeni Municipality. Results from both methods showed effective communication was the best tool to change municipal employee performance, acting as a catalyst, which mostly depends on communication channel effectiveness and availability. Main recommendations to municipal managers and heads of departments are to use effective communication as a strategic tool, appreciate all employee opinions, regardless of their positions, and involve employees in decision-making, most importantly during policy formulation, while municipal employees are provided with sufficient resources to perform day-to-day duties. Providing employees with regular and honest feedback regarding their strengths and weaknesses could additionally improve employee performance and increase productivity. Conversely, lack of communication could lead to misunderstandings and incorrect interpretation of information messages by employees.


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Effective Communication; Strategic tool, Performance, Municipality