Dr. A. Karthik, Ms. Mary Jeniffer, Dr. R. C. Anu Chandran. "Multi-Dimensional Strands of Rural Tourism in AlankuppamA Stimulus for Destination Branding" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 94-98, 2023.
The concept of ‘Rural Tourism’ has gained immense traction for two decades and has created a niche impact on the minds of tourists as a special-interest form. The ideals of responsible tourism initiatives (RT) are central as regards the intricacies and approaches of branding rural destinations. Alankuppam in Puducherry, a designated rural tourism haven dots a unique spot in the tourism map of south India owing to its enamoring resources and features. Several gaps were identified with respect to organized tourism promotion at Alankuppam, especially a well-designed branding campaign that shall synergize the indigenous aspects. This paper conceived as an explorative research method approach; while delving deeper intothepotentials of Alankuppam also envisages the key roles which may be played by NGO’s and other stakeholders in the overall branding exercise. The present work examines the possibilitiesto ingrain newer physical and psychological meanings of Alankuppam to contribute to the place making.
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Rural Tourism, Alankuppam, Destination Branding Campaign, Responsible Initiatives (RT), Place Making.