The Effect of Good Corporate Governance Dimensions on Company Financial Performance

International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2023 by IRJEMS
Volume 2  Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2023
Authors : Nawawi, Yulensi, Muhyarsyah
irjems doi : 10.56472/25835238/IRJEMS-V2I1P133


Nawawi, Yulensi, Muhyarsyah "The Effect of Good Corporate Governance Dimensions on Company Financial Performance" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 259-269, 2023.


The goal of this study is to ascertain how the components of good corporate governance affect an organization's financial performance. In recent years, the concept of good corporate governance has been used to enhance an organization's financial performance, particularly in the reformation of state-owned enterprises that have experienced various irregularities. The data collection approach employed in this form of research, which is quantitative, is the library study method. Purposive sampling was used to select the sample for this study, which used secondary data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange website / IDX with a research sample of 15 State-Owned Enterprises / BUMN companies for the years 2017 through 2021. Multiple linear regression analysis was used, and SPSS 22 was used as the tool for analysis. According to the study's findings, Managerial Ownership and Independent Board of Commissioners have no discernible impact on the financial performance of the company, but Institutional Ownership and Audit Committee have a substantial impact. The study's conclusions suggest that institutional ownership will continue to actively work to reduce anomalies, and the Audit Committee will continue to support efficient oversight to raise the company's financial performance. When the company's financial performance is being built, the Independent Board of Commissioners takes a more deliberate approach so that Managerial Ownership can profit from its ownership. Managerial Ownership and the Independent Board of Commissioners have no discernible impact on the Company's financial performance. The study's conclusions suggest that institutional ownership will continue to actively work to reduce anomalies, and the Audit Committee will continue to support efficient oversight to raise the company's financial performance. When the company's financial performance is being built, the Independent Board of Commissioners takes a more deliberate approach so that Managerial Ownership can profit from its ownership. Managerial Ownership and the Independent Board of Commissioners have no discernible impact on the Company's financial performance. The study's conclusions suggest that institutional ownership will continue to actively work to reduce anomalies, and the Audit Committee will continue to support efficient oversight to raise the company's financial performance. When the company's financial performance is being built, the Independent Board of Commissioners takes a more deliberate approach so that Managerial Ownership can profit from its ownership. The study's conclusions suggest that institutional ownership will continue to actively work to reduce anomalies, and the Audit Committee will continue to support efficient oversight to raise the company's financial performance. When the company's financial performance is being built, the Independent Board of Commissioners takes a more deliberate approach so that Managerial Ownership can profit from its ownership. The study's conclusions suggest that institutional ownership will continue to actively work to reduce anomalies, and the Audit Committee will continue to support efficient oversight to raise the company's financial performance. When the company's financial performance is being built, the Independent Board of Commissioners takes a more deliberate approach so that Managerial Ownership can profit from its ownership.


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Good Corporate Governance, Company Financial Performance, State Owned Enterprises (BUMN).