Tommy Setiawan Ruslim, Dyah Erni Herwindiati, Cokki. "Application of The TAM Model to Gen X users of M-Banking Applications in Jabotabek" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 41-49, 2023.
This research focuses on application of TAM in adoption of M-banking on Generation X in Jabotabek. The population in this research is Gen X (44-58 years), domiciled in Jabotabek, and at least have a bachelor's degree. The variables include intent to use mobile banking, trust, perceived usability and convenience of use, and a total sample of 287 Generation X respondents who use mobile banking. The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of M-banking intention on Generation X as well as the function of trust in mediating variables. The results of the SEM PLS approach show that all of the hypotheses are significant. The findings of this study reveal that, in order to increase the intention of Generation X in Jabotabek to use M-banking, the role of perceived usability, utility, and trust is critical. According to the findings of this study, these factors have a favourable impact on this intention. This study contends that trust serves as a mediating variable and that perceived ease of use and perceived utility of the application have a direct or indirect (partial mediation) impact on Generation X's inclination to utilise M-banking in Jabotabek.
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TAM, Trust, Intention, M-Banking, Gen X.