Enhancing Innovation Behavior of Digital Start-up Employees: The Role of Knowledge Sharing and Creativity

International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2023 by IRJEMS
Volume 2  Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2023
Authors : Robertus Adi Nugroho
irjems doi : 10.56472/25835238/IRJEMS-V2I2P106


Robertus Adi Nugroho. "Enhancing Innovation Behavior of Digital Start-up Employees: The Role of Knowledge Sharing and Creativity" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 50-63, 2023.


The goal of this study is to look into how employees of digital start-ups in Jakarta share knowledge and act creatively and innovatively. 167 employees completed a questionnaire to gather information, which was then evaluated using structural equation modelling (SEM). The results show that knowledge sharing has a direct and significant positive impact on the innovation and creativity behavior of employees of digital start-ups in Jakarta. The association between knowledge sharing and innovative behavior was also found to be significantly and favorably mediated by creativity. Hence, encouraging knowledge exchange among staff members can boost worker creativity and have a favorable effect on innovative behavior. By presenting empirical proof of the connection between knowledge sharing, creativity, and innovation behavior in digital startups, this study adds to the body of current literature. The results suggest that digital start-up firms should prioritize knowledge sharing among employees to foster creativity and ultimately improve innovation behavior. This study emphasizes the significance of knowledge-sharing methods in creating an innovative culture in digital companies. In conclusion, fostering a culture of information sharing is crucial for fostering the innovative and creative behavior of staff members at digital companies. The results of this study shed light on the nuanced relationship between creativity, innovation, and information sharing, underscoring the significance of knowledge sharing practices in digital start-ups.


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Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Management, Creativity, Innovation Behavior.