Agatha Christina Kuning Saputra, Antonius Jan Wellyantony, Ninuk Muljani. "The Effect of Special Treatment Benefits and Confidence Benefits on Customer Loyalty through Customer Trust at Pt Persada Wijaya Sentosa in Surabaya" International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 102-110, 2023.
Consumers tend to engage in long-term relationships with supplying organizations that can offer advantages or benefit values. These benefits can be provided in form of special treatment benefits and confidence benefits as consumers are highly committed and trusting to a product or a brand. This research systematically analyzes special treatment benefits and confidence benefits to consumers loyalty through consumer trust as a mediation specifically concentrated on consumers of Persada Wijaya Sentosa Ltd (Surabaya, Indonesia). The sampling technique undertaken refers to a non-probability sampling through the implementation of purposive sampling, scoping a total sample of 155 respondents of Persada Wijaya Sentosa's consumers. The data analysis in this study is performed with the technique of SEM PLS, through the use of SMART PLS 3.2.9. software. The findings of this research indicate how special treatment benefits and confidence benefits influence significantly towards consumer trust, consumer trust affects significantly towards consumer loyalty, special treatment benefits and confidence benefits influence significantly towards consumer loyalty where consumer's trust acts as a mediation of special treatment benefits and confidence benefits toward consumer's loyalty. Hence, if a firm provides benefit values in form of special treatment benefits and confidence benefits, higher consumer trust and loyalty are expected to occur toward Persada Wijaya Sensota Ltd.
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Special Treatment Benefits, Confidence Benefits, Customer Trust, Customer Loyalty.